March 12th Business Meeting
March 12 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Join us, March 12th at 7:00pm (or come early to hang out), for our regular monthly business meeting. Below is the current agenda.
Meeting Agenda
- Call to Order (Kenneth Feagins)
- Moment of Silence (Rich Moore)
- Member Comments
- Public Comments/Welcome New Attendees
- Approval of Previous Monthly Meeting Minutes (Kenneth Feagins)
- Officer Reports
- Treasurer (TJ Reilly)
- Vice-chair (Rich Moore)
- Chair (Kenneth Feagins)
- Old business (KF and members)
- Updates on technology stack (Kenneth Feagins)
- New business (KF and members)
- Motion to form election committee (TJ Reilly)
- Adjourn (From the floor)
- Motion:
- Seconded: